Customer Betting Dashboard

Role: UX/UI Designer | Work done for Genius Sports in conjunction with the media UX/UX team
Product overview

Create a customer betting dashboard based on betting habits and preferences, where the user can keep track of all their active bets in a single view, including concepts such as win probability, performance of your fantasy team, player stats, betslip, suggested bets etc.

Adaptable concepts and components for different types of sports.

  • Allow the user to create a custom dashboard from betting widgets, player stats and suggestions

  • Create a catalog of components adaptable to the different grids for the customizable dashboard

  • Take advantage of datapoints to generate components that add value to the user’s set of betsĀ 


In order to increase the possibilities of user interaction and participation for our partners, a complete betting experience is proposed for the client that allows experienced users to go beyond conventional betting mechanisms.

Initially we started from the analysis of similar tools, as well as the study of existing data to create new functionalities that would complement the existing resources within the catalog. Once the brainstorming was done, we proceeded to make a perceptual map through which we gave a prioritization of components on which to work.

Userflow definition

A user flow was defined, providing greater flexibility in the provision of information, but with a set of limited freedoms in order to validate the idea with the shortest development time possible.

Website wireframe (Community)

As a result of the entire creation process, we have a completely customizable betting board from the widget manager, with a set of assets that allows the user to visualize the data of their preference for better decision-making when betting.

Full Screen ExperienceDashboard